lululemon Retail App | VoIP
As an educator, I want to see the type of incoming calls so that I have the context to start my conversation.
As a guest, I want to call the store and get the information quickly so that my time is not wasted.
As a product designer, I want to leverage iPhone App (iOS) - call features, interaction and behaviour patterns, and maintain the lululemon brand presence so that educators do not need to learn another app tool as an employee.
What’s App
iPhone App
Google talk
Apple call kit
lululemon brand
lululemon guidelines

Store with curbside flow

Summary of
findings, recommendations,
and action items
Competitive Analysis
Finding: Standard phone interactions
Recommendation: Keep the same interactions, so there are no new learnings/onboarding.
Store call flow
Finding: Understanding call flow
Recommendation: Keep the call flow and customize the UI call types.
Refine Jira tickets
Finding: Tickets were bare
Recommendation: Create a standard Jira design tickets
Testing with the educators
Finding: Educators don’t want to be interrupted while they are helping a guest, making an MPOS sale or taking a hemming order.
Recommendation: Ability for an educator to disable incoming calls. Work with the cross-functional teams to see where there is an overlap with their features.
Call kit (API)
Finding: The effort to customize the locked screen is more complicated than expected.
Recommendation: Develop the lock screen using the 'Call Kits API,'. The team did not see any added value in customizing a locked screen to pilot an MVP VoIP app for 16 stores.
Call type - Icons
Finding: Design and document the curbside icon
Recommendation: Ashley (me) to design a new curbside icon.
New App and new components
Finding: There are new components that do not exist in the app’s DSM
Recommendation: Document and collaborate with the devs, and product desginers
Review with the team
Findings: Share findings
Recommendations: Create a wireframe/mockup with recommendations
Anatomy of the incoming calls
Quick reference of the caller type, caller ID and the layout for each component.
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