lululemon App | Navigation



As a guest, I want to be able to see the latest products - ‘What’s new’ for women and men, find categories quickly and access ‘We Made Too Much’ with minimal taps/swipes so that I can browse products I care about quickly.


As a product designer, I want to create a seamless experience; have the same in-store experience as a digital experience. (So that) Guests can shop, explore, discover and feel inspired to wear lululemon gear.

Let’s step back and take a look at the current state.


Home screen

  • Guests are confused after they select a gender (Women or Men).

Features screen

  • What are the features? Image is not tappable

  • Segment control and indicator are not visible.

  • Where are all the products?

11 taps / 7 screens

to view sub-category products

Please…I just want yoga pants.

Purchase flow

The journey ends quickly.

Analyze web navigation

The web data is shared with the lululemon app and I wanted to analyze the web navigation.


In-store observation


What’s new

  • New items are displayed at the front of the store


  • Able to quickly scan categories by groups


  • At glance, no discounts viewable



  • Welcoming

  • Approachable

  • ”What are you looking for”


  • Hears the voice of an educator

  • guidance readily available

  • All items are at their finger tips


Have the same in-store experience to digital in-store experience. Omni experience will feel seamless


In-store/online shopping journey

Aha, moment… 1 hanger away - 1 tap away





Best Buy






Home Depot




La Senza







lululemon brand

lululemon guidelines



Android (Material design)


Nielsen Norman Group



Summary of findings and recommendations


Capture screenshots: current state

Finding: Browsing is confusing and difficult,
Recommendation: Gather all the data points.

User flow

Finding: The journey ends quickly. The guest is not able to get to categories.
Recommendation: Review competitors and sources.

Analyze web navigation

Finding: Categories are mixed with the main nav and category list, which makes it difficult to scan and causes confusion.
Recommendation: Group data points - by gender, category, and collection.


In-store observation

Finding: Understand the store layout. Hear the voice of an educator and guest.
Recommendation: Have the digital experience be the same as the in-store experience.

Guest shopping journey

Finding: A product is only “1 hanger away” to a fitting room.
Recommendation: Have a product 1 tap away to a category screen.

Competitive analysis

Finding: Compare commonalities, interactions and patterns.
Recommendation: Keep the commonalities, interactions and patterns that work for the lululemon brand and app.


iOS / Android patterns

Finding: The android app uses the iOS interaction and pattern behaviours.
Recommendation: Have different designs for iOS and Android.

Review with the team

Findings: Share findings with the team.
Recommendations: Create a wireframe/mockup with recommendations.

Next step

Once I get the thumbs up from the PM. I start designing high-fidelity mocks.


Data points

Group commonalities.
The solution architect, iOS, Android developers, QA and PM were involved to provide their insights from the findings and recommendations. I also, wanted to make sure the data points were right. So, that I can start on my design.

(1) Gender tab; (2) What’s new; (3) Categories; (4) Activities / Collections; (5) We made too much

1, 2 and 3 is the whole store inventory

at the tip of your fingers

Wireframe with data points


Product design solutions





In-store experience to digital experience

The entire store inventory is scannable with seconds.

At the tip of your fingers the guest can browse or start shopping


Ease of use

Combined 7 screens to 1 screen to select a category

Removed 11 taps to 1 tap away to a category



Card components scales from B2C to B2B apps
NO MORE masking images



Components are customizable
Able to create variants

Optional: image

Optional: loopable video 6-11 seconds



Able to use the components in different features



$105M | 13%
0.59M MAU

2019 RE-SKIN: Lululemon brand changed their colours from gold to red highlights, black text and white background.

$160M | 16%
0.82 MAU

2020 New brand guidelines and a new category UX/UI interaction

$320M | 27%
1.32 MAU

App & web comparison case study 2020



To gather feedback from Guests that use APP primarily on the web experience and Guest that primarily use Web on the APP Experience.

Having the Guests complete simpler tasks and answer similar questions to better understand what the differences are and how they are perceived.

App & web comparison case study 2020



Web-users were more impressed with the APP and stated that they could be more tempted to use it in the future. While the majority of APP users that went through the Web experience stated that they would still primarily use the APP. The Web users felt that the APP was obvious a more tailored experience for mobile use, that the design created a more focused experience and that there was less clutter which made the experience as one participant stated, “more chill.”

The APP users did state that they do use the web sometimes, but infrequently. They did feel that the filters in the web were more robust and made finding a product easier and that the main menu had more of a story than the one on APP, but it was simpler to just click on the APP to begin their shopping experience and being automatically logged in.

Shop anywhere and anytime!


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